Sirvisin oma lugejate lemmikblogisid ning leidsin ajakohase-armsa mõttetera, mida kindlasti soov jagada! Olen viimasel ajal palju mõelnud sellele, mida hoidev eluviis, säilitamine, konserveerimine (nii majad kui marjad!) sügavamas mõttes tähendab. Kui paljut võib ja saab selle kaudu tunnetada, kogeda, mida tahaks ka teistega jagada. On kosutav näha, et on järjest rohkem inimesi, kes näevad värve või värvitust sarnasel moel (ma ei öelnud, et päris ühtmoodi (!), kuid vähemalt jagavad teatud elustiili raskesti kirjeldatavat tunnetust).
Samas on raske taluda ja mõista mõtteviisi, mis ikkagi veel laialt levinud - toon ühe näite, mida kogesin alles nädal tagasi. Käisin hea sõbraga ühes maakohas ja kogesin suhtumist, mis tänaseni valusalt meeles: kohalikud elanikud olid võtnud plaaniks nädalavahetusel ühe täies ilus seisva puumaja mahapõletamise ette võtta!! (??!?)
Rõõmsalt teatasid nad meile, et tuletõrje olevat ka kohale kutsutud ning see ei olevat sugugi esimene kord!
Sellel majal ei olevat omanikku ning keegi ei soovivatki sinna elama asuda. Järelikult: mida muud siis teha!? Kutsusid meid maja vaatama, et ehk tahame sealt veel midagi endale võtta, sest me ju oleme sellised imelikud, kes teiste majade "kasutuid" juppe kasutusse võtavad...
Suures kurbuses nägime enese ees maja, mis ei olnud isegi mitte eriti lagunenud olekus, et teda tõesti hävitama peaks! Ja kas mitte ei juhtu tihti (liiga tihti!) seesama inimeste endiga...
Päästsime majakesest ukse kohal rippuva lambikese... Kui palju võiks ta rääkida.
Tõesti - see tunne on pikaks ajaks meeles..
Nii mõneski mõttes räägib jagatav mõte samas keeles! "Väärikas vaesumine"...
Mõned inimesed leiavad, et selline maja (kunagi kellegi isa või vanaisa kätetöö) on tarvis maha põletada! Maal, kus ruumi küll ja küll. See sissekanne olgu maja mälestuseks ...
THE STORY IN ENGLISH: "Dignified impoverishment"
I was browsing some favorite blogs of my readers and came across a lovely article, which I want to share with you! I've thought lately a lot what conserving - preserving lifestyle in deeper sense mean. So much can be felt, experienced, realized through this and there is the need to share some of it with others. It`s refreshing to see, that more and more people see colors or "colorlessness" in a similar way (I did not say that quite the same way (!), but they do share a common lifestyle).
However, it is difficult to understand the mindset, which is still widespread: just an example I experienced a week ago. I went with a good friend of mine to the countryside (one small village in Estonia) and I was confronted with attitude, which until now haunts me: group of locals told us about their "weekend-plan" to burn down a wooden house! (??!?)
They informed us happily, that the fire brigade has also been "invited" and we understood from their conversation, that it is by no means the first time!
They told, there is no owner and no one wants to live there anyway - therefore: what else can you do?! They invited us to have a look at the house: maybe we want to take something from there, because we are a bit odd ones, who take used material and re-use it somewhere else...
In great sorrow, we saw in front of us a house, which was`nt even in VERY dilapidated state! And does`nt it often happen (too often!) to people themselves (abandoned, when not "needed" anymore)?
We saved from the house one lamp, which was unhappily hanging above the doorway.. How much could and wants he to talk. We hang it to Marta House, shall it spread the Light and let us always remember..
This feeling remains for a long time.
In many ways, the article I told about, speaks the same language!
(I translate it soon for English-speakers as well)!
They informed us happily, that the fire brigade has also been "invited" and we understood from their conversation, that it is by no means the first time!
They told, there is no owner and no one wants to live there anyway - therefore: what else can you do?! They invited us to have a look at the house: maybe we want to take something from there, because we are a bit odd ones, who take used material and re-use it somewhere else...
In great sorrow, we saw in front of us a house, which was`nt even in VERY dilapidated state! And does`nt it often happen (too often!) to people themselves (abandoned, when not "needed" anymore)?
We saved from the house one lamp, which was unhappily hanging above the doorway.. How much could and wants he to talk. We hang it to Marta House, shall it spread the Light and let us always remember..
This feeling remains for a long time.
In many ways, the article I told about, speaks the same language!
(I translate it soon for English-speakers as well)!