Ühe vana puumaja restaureerimise lugu.
Restoration of an old 1901 built wooden house.

05 May 2013


I have had so little to say during the last times.. But this is good so and I will open to post here only if I feel so. A song is playing through my days now, I share it here. 
Marta (The House) waits you to be a guest here, a friend, to accompany even for a short time a beautiful-miraculous journey for thouse, who can hear and see it..

ps. Tulips are slowly-slowly coming!!

She lifts her skirt up to her knees,
walks through the garden rows with her bare feet, laughing.
I never learned to count my blessings,
I choose instead to dwell in my disasters.
I walk on down the hill,
through grass, grown tall and brown
and still its hard somehow to let go of my pain.
On past the busted back of that old and rusted Cadillac
that sinks into this field, collecting rain.
Will I always feel this way?
So empty, so estranged.

And of these cut-throat busted sunsets,
these cold and damp white mornings
I have grown weary.
If through my cracked and dusted dime-store lips
I spoke these words out loud would no one hear me?
Lay your blouse across the chair,
let fall the flowers from from your hair
and kiss me with that country mouth, so plain.
Outside, the rain is tapping on the leaves,
to me it sounds like they're applauding us the the quiet love we made.
Will I always feel this way?
So empty, so estranged.

Well I looked my demons in the eyes,
laid bare my chest, said "Do your best, destroy me.
You see, I've been to hell and back so many times,
I must admit you kind of bore me."
There's a lot of things that can kill a man,
there's a lot of ways to die,
listen, some already did that walked beside me.
There's a lot of things I don't understand,
why so many people lie.
Its the hurt I hide that fuels the fire inside me.
Will I always feel this way?
So empty, so estranged.

21 January 2013


 All is possible, when you look at these pictures! 
Old chimney: restored, renewed. 
Old stove for wood - not very straight-standing, but much more cute so! 
A little bit paint, old materials happily re-used + a little "elbow-oil" as my brother-in-law in Italy sais... And voila!!! 
Welcome to stay here!!

Who could have believed, that this can be repaired again!

Bathroom is being built with re-used materials. These can later be easily re-used again, if we for some reason need to use the space some other way! Wallpaper makes this so pretty (look down for "AFTER PICS")!

In this shape was the "hot wall" (so do we say in estonian), slightly looking to the left :) Old paint was removed, original stoves oiled with lineseed oil.

Materials from the neighbour house (they used to be floor once)! Now we make cupboards from them: for the kitchenette and bathroom.

For sound isolation.

Time to rest. And enjoy the results of the work.

02 November 2012


I found a beautiful english translation from one estonian poetess Kristiina Ehin, whose "Luigeluulinn" I really liked. The poems are so colourful in estonian language and full of a kind of rhythm, which is hard to explain, when you do not know the language.. But: here the translator has succeeded to find the way to share it in other language..

Cows come from the sea...

 Kristiina Ehin

Cows come from the sea
on this morning at the beginning of time
blue-green cows
udders full of salty sea milk
and the Sea Mother drives them ashore
with a switch of sea-grass

Sea Maidens come keep the cows
and keep yourselves
from lecherous herders by night
In autumn may a hundred blue-green cows
be back here in the bay between mottled stones
May their horns glisten in the mist
and may your eyes sparkle
But keep your hearts clear and cool
like the morning dew

You will never get used to the life of human women
it puts fetters on the heart
dreams are never fulfilled
and feelings only give rise to grief
People are beautiful but cruel
They keep to their kin like insects
they gather the gold of dreams by night
squander it all away in the morning

To become someone’s own means being
dangerously close to a human star

But your eyes are like the sea of the world
stars drown in it

Sea Maidens come keep the cows
But keep your hearts clear and cool
like the morning dew

Photo: Mai-Liis

The translator sais:
An exile, transplanted into a foreign society, strives at all costs to retain his or her identity. A translated poem is, in a sense, also an exile, transplanted into the alien environment of a foreign language. One of the translator’s many tasks is to be sensitive and welcoming, helping the poem retain its identity and adapt to its new environment without making compromises. To this end my bilingual upbringing as the child of Estonian refugees has been an enormous benefit, giving me a native speaker’s understanding of the cultural and linguistic nuances of both Estonian and English. 
I have been translating Kristiina Ehin’s poetry, prose and drama for nearly five years and have translated nearly all of her published work along with much of her as yet unpublished work as well. Working so intensively with the work of the poet I admire most in any language, I have gained a deep understanding of her work and an increasingly clear insight into the complexity of the translation process. It goes far beyond linguistic competence and is in itself an act of creativity.
At the heart of this process is the author’s voice with its own particular music, its idiosyncracies and nuances. When I translate Kristiina’s work, I hear her voice reading what I have written. The music of her voice dictates the music of my translation. Her imagery is sometimes very specifically Estonian, but I trust in the reader’s wish to experience what is Estonian in Kristiina’s work, and I don’t look for British equivalents. My translations strive to be Kristiina’s poems, not my interpretations of them.
The most important factor for me in transplanting Kristiina’s poems into the soil of the English language continues to be a deep inner need to see them thrive there in their own right as they do at home in the Estonian language.

Listen: Estonian band "Evert and the two dragons": "Good Man Down" was voted "Hit of the year 2011" in Estonia by Radio 2 listeners. Awards at the Estonian Music Awards gala 2012: "band of the year", "album of the year" and "song of the year" awards.

22 October 2012



Taas on päevakorral linaõlivärvi valmistamine ning sisetingimustes sellega puitlae värvimine.
Vaatasin enda eelmisel aastal kirjapandud retsepte ning tekkisid kohe küsimused: 
kas titaanvalge on sama asi, mis titaandioksiid jms jne.. :) Vastan kiirelt: JAH, see on üks ja seesama aine. Samuti: tsinkoksiid = tsinkvalge (erinevad nimetused kirjanduses ajavad algajat segadusse).

Aitan nüüd teisi ja ennast terminoloogiaga:

Titaanvalge 650, titaandioksiid, on peenekoeline, anorgaaniline valge pulbriline pigment mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks betoonis, mördis, tasanduskihtides ja vuugisegude valgendamisel.
Titaanvalge 650 on ilmastiku -ja valgusekindel. Tähelepanu vääriv on , et valget betooni saab valmistada siiski ainult valget tsementti ja täite-ning sideainet kasutades.(allikas: http://ee.semtu.com/?4;2;7500;7500.html)

Tsinkoksiid on pehme pulber, mille tera meenutab tugeval suurendamisel laialisirutatud jalgadega ämblikku. Nende “jalgadega” klammerdubki tsinkoksiid puuderdamisel naha külge. Tsinki kasutatakse ka raua kaitsmiseks kiire roostetamise ja hävimise eest. Tsinkoksiid leiab lisaks puudris kasutamisele veel rakendust valge värvi valmistamisel. (Kasutatud allikas: http://www.miksike.ee/docs/lisa/8klass/4teema/loodus/tsink.html)

Tsinkvalge = Tsinkoksiid (ZnO), kasutusel 1834. aastast. Hallitusevastase toimega, kiirendab vähesel määral värvi kuivamist. Väiksema katvusega kui teised valged pigmendid. Ärritab hingamisteid ja nahka, suurtes kogustes mürgine. (Allikas: www.majatohter.ee)

Linaõlivärvi valmistamine on õnnestumise korral väike kokkuhoid, kuna liitri hind on (looduslike ehitusviiside leviku tõttu ilmselt) juba ligi 20eur liiter..

Suhtume värvi kokkusegamisse loominguliselt ning loodan, et värv jääb hästi kattev ning ei muutu väga kollakaks (kuigi see on mõnes mõttes loomulik selle värvi puhul).

Seekord kasutasime "Rootsi" retsepti, mille jagasime sobivateks kogusteks:
1066 g värnitsat (e. keedetud linaõlivärvi)
2167 g  titaanvalget (e. titaandioksiidi)
667 g tsinkvalget (e. tsinkoksiidi)
sikatiivi 3-4%

19 October 2012


Design Impression

Today was a special day! I planted the first time in my life (exept some single attempts, which doesn`t count) tulips, daffodils and hyacinths for Marta`s garden. Already now there is the feeling of waiting in the air! Waiting for spring, for May, when I hope to see my little ones coming out to offer a splendid view, when entering from the gate..

Over 60 flowers have been planted today, to wait patiently during wintertime in the ground.

Hyacints: "Splendid cornelia". Colour is "lilac-violet", this is my direct translation.. But the colour should be as splendid as the name!
"Gypsy princess". Bright yellow is the colour of them..
Daffodils: "Texas". With double-blossoms, which are yellow, with orange additional segments.. :)

Tulips (from the left to the right from the housedoor). In spring I add the photo, then it is good to recognise them all:
"Renown unique" (double late) - Red tulips, which on the photo seem like peonies!! Waiting for great impatience for them!
"Design Impression" (Darwin-hybrid). Very beatiful rosy-rosy colour, with huge blossom.
"Red Princess" (double, early) - dark-dark red (like Love) :)
"Double Price" (double, early) - rosy-lilac with double blossoms.
"Double Focus" (double, late) - yellow filled with red... 

Sounds so great, me and Marta are waiting for you all. Have a great wintertime!

05 September 2012

Attics – spaces where dreams are stored

Attics – spaces where dreams are stored

Attics are places resonant with memory.
To hear the echoing whispers, the rumblings, the hushed footsteps of all who left their mark on such places,
we have only to listen and tune in.

The mystery of attics –
the undisturbed ones miraculously left intact like time capsules - provides “treasure for the imagination“,
a magical, evocative encounter with the past.

Josh Groban "Higher window"

The appletree full of blossoms is truly old.. This summer still it carried so many apples - I think it was so happy to show, how beautiful a small garden can be, thanks to apples and blossoms and an old appletree!!

01 June 2012


Flowers and old paint hand in hand. New paint sample also...
Näha maja tulevase värvi näidised - proovilapikesed majal ning uks!
Sirelid õitsevad. Just lõpetasid õunapuud ning aed on valget vahtu täis! 
On imekaunis aeg!
Martake on õnnelik, mina samuti. Liigume tasapisi edasi. 
Täpsemalt mõne aja möödudes..

Kaks romantilist pööningukambrit said värskelt valmis! Kunstnikele, unistajaile kõige sobivamad!
Allpool samm-sammult valmimise tee:

Palkide puhtaks lihvimine pööningukesel.

Pööningukamber "before".

Pööningupõranda lihvimine, õlitamine apelsiniõliga.
Pööningukamber enne kordategemise algust: BEFORE of "before"!

VOILA!!! :)

For artists, dreamers, actors...

Pööningukambrike "Attic Chambre" sai valmis!!! Imeline tunne!! 
Aitäh Air, Jev, Alo!